Dragon Nest Mobile Source Code

The files contains both the Client and Server Files which uses C++. Don't worry for the language since there is a settings in game wherein you can change it's language.

  1. Step 1: Modify the ip in the database.
    Start the apache and mysql server, run phpStudy.exe in Administrator.\LinkoLabs\lzgserver\phpStudy\

    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3ewok
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3f1i5
    Result https://prnt.sc/q3f2au

    Open Navicat and connect you in mysql to the serveur.
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3f3my
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3f4gg
    Password is : "gudanboke"

    Once the connection is successful go to the database "Login" then the table "GateInfo".
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3f6c3
    Edite the IP URL witch your IP :
    replace to 192.168.X.X or extern ip dans save the table.
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3f8q5Screen https://prnt.sc/q3f96l

    Step 2: Configure the .apk file
    Copy the DN.apk file found in the APK folder to the APKtool folderRUn the Command Prompt and paste this :
    apktool d -r DN.apk
    Wait for the end of the decompilation...A new folder named Dn is in the APKtool folder, it contains the source code.
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3fdh5
    We need to edit the following file
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3fvbc
    Open the file config.cfg width UnityEx available to APKtool folder
    .Screen https://prnt.sc/q3fwf8

    Open Archve and add config.cfg
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3fwqo

    select the two files of the list then export as the dissolved example :
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3g57y

    Now let's get the exported files back and edit the config.txt files
    the exported files can be found here Unity_Assets_Files

    Screen : https://prnt.sc/q3g632
    Check the config.txt file and edite :
    Replace your IP
    Once the changes are done, import the files with UnityEx
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3g76m
    It is now time to modify the .dll and finish with our file. apk!
    The file we have now changed is here:
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3ghh4

    right click and open with ... DNSpy
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3ghxu
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gilx

    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gjgc

    Research " XPlatform" class.
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gjpk
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gk2d

    Change the research filtre to "class"
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gkem

    Open the class
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gkyw

    The code is open :
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gm0w

    go to the bottom of the code and right click on the ip then made:
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gmwo

    Edite your IP in the file and clic ok
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gn84

    After save all
    Screen :https://prnt.sc/q3gnns

    The .apk file is finally over, let's move on to recompilation

    Now open the APKtool folder, just as the first extraction open the prompt commade and type the following line :

    apktool b Dn

    apktool b -r dn
    Wait for the end of the compilation the file is now here:

    Rename to Dn1.apk and cut the file and paste it into the root folder apktool.
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3gsbm

    Let's go to the signature and it will be finished for the configuration!

    let's go to the command prompt and type the following line:
    java -jar SignApk.jar testkey.x509.pem testkey.pk8 Dn1.apk Dn1_sgn.apk
    Wait for the end of the signture and you will find your folder at the root of the APKTool folder!
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3h12x

    *Please install Bluestack no Nox Emulator for use !

    Step 3 : Lunch and stop the server.

    Make sure PhpStudy is on.
    - For start the server use the start.batch in the folder
    Screen https://prnt.sc/q3h8jg

    Register you in the webserver or database Login -> users.


Client and Server Files are already in the same link above

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